•  1919: 1st trans-atlantic flight•  1920: League of Nations founded•  1922: Irish Free State founded•  1924: Lenin dies•  1926: General Strike•  1928: Women get the vote•  1934: Hitler assumes power in Germany•  1936: Regular BBC TV broadcasts begin•  1939: Start of 2nd World War•  1940: Dunkirk evacuation•  1941: Japanese attack Pearl Harbour•  1944: "D-Day" landings in France•  1945: End of 2nd World War•  1946: USA tests atom bomb at Bikini Island•  1947: Sound Barrier broken•  1948: NHS founded•  1950: Korean War starts•  1951: Suez "Crisis"•  1953: Queen Elizabeth II crowned•  1954: Bannister runs 1st 4 minute mile•  1955: Glynde Place opened to the public•  1955: ITV starts broadcasting•  1957: 1st dog in space•  1958: Gatwick Airport opened•  1959: M1, the 1st motoway, opened•  1961: 1st man in space•  1963: US President Kennedy assassinated•  1965: Post Office Tower opened•  1966: England win World Cup•  1967: 1st heart transplant•  1968: Martin Luther King assassinated•  1969: 1st men on the moon•  1970: North Sea Oil discovered•  1971: Decimal coins introduced•  1972: "Bloody Sunday", 13 killed in Derry•  1974: US President Nixon resigned•  1976: Harold Wilson resigned as PM•  1978: 1st "Test Tube" baby born•  1979: Margaret Thatcher elected, UK's 1st woman PM•  1981: Prince Charles married Lady Di•  1982: Falklands War
Bob (Robert) Lusted
Born:1919  Died:1982
Front centre is Bob Lusted flanked by his grandparents Eliza & Frederick with their daughters Ida, Ella & Gladys behind.
Front centre is Bob Lusted flanked by his grandparents Eliza & Frederick with their daughters Ida, Ella & Gladys behind.
Bob Lusted (left) & Reg Pocock (centre) representing the Glynde Working Men's Club, win the Victoria Hospital Cribbage League pairs trophy, c1965
Bob Lusted (left) & Reg Pocock (centre) representing the Glynde Working Men's Club, win the Victoria Hospital Cribbage League pairs trophy, c1965
1953Glynde Shop1978

Immediate Family TreeBob (Robert) Lusted1919-1982(?)+Irene neƩ Pickard1925-1980Jane10/1/1947-?Andrew28/6/1950-?N.B. This limited family tree shows the parents, siblings, spouse & children of as recorded in our database. There may be other family members who are not listed here.

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glynde.info/history by Andrew Lusted & Chris Whitmore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://glynde.info/history/contact.php