•  1675: Greenwich Royal Observatory founded•  1692: Glencoe Massacre•  1694: Bank of England founded•  1701: Jethro Tull invents the Seed Drill•  1702: King William III dies•  1703: The Great Storm - worst ever recorded in British Isles•  1707: Act of Union unites English & Scottish Parliaments•  1714: George I crowned•  1720: South Sea Bubble financial collapse•  1721: 1st Prime Minister - Robert Walpole•  1723: Christopher Wren dies•  1739: Britain & Spain start War of Jenkins' Ear•  1746: Battle of Culloden•  1750: Death of JS Bach•  1753: British Museum founded•  1759: Death of Handel•  1761: Richard Ellman moves to Glynde•  1764: Hargreaves invents Spinning Jenny•  1770: New South Wales discovered by James Cook•  1773: Boston Tea Party•  1774: Priestley discovers oxygen•  1775: American War of Independence starts•  1776: American Declaration of Independence•  1783: First hot air balloon flights•  1789: French Revolution begins•  1800: Act of Union creates United Kingdom of Great Britain & Ireland•  1802: Beethoven debuts Moonlight Sonata•  1803: Start of Napoleonic Wars•  1805: Battle of Trafalgar: Death of Nelson•  1807: Slave trade abolished•  1815: End of Napoleonic Wars•  1825: 1st railway opens (Stockton - Darlington)•  1829: Metropolitan Police founded•  1832: Morse invents Electric Telegraph•  1837: Queen Victoria crowned•  1838: National Gallery founded•  1840: Queen Victora & Prince Albert marry•  1841: Glynde School built•  1842: Irish "Potato Famine" starts•  1847: British Museum founded•  1848: Marx & Engels write Communist Manifesto•  1851: Great Exhibition opens in Hyde Park•  1854: Start of Crimean War•  1859: Darwin's Origin of Species published•  1861: American Civil War begins•  1865: Salvation Army founded•  1869: Suez Canal opened•  1871: Trades Unions legalised•  1872: Secret ballots introduced for elections•  1873: Dr Livingstone dies•  1876: Bell invents telephone•  1878: Electric light bulb invented•  1881: Pasteur invents innoculation•  1884: Speaker Brand retires•  1884: Fabian Society founded•  1885: Glynde & Beddingham Cricket Club founded•  1887: Queen Victoria's Jubilee•  1894: Manchester Ship Canal opened•  1899: Boer War starts•  1901: Queen Victoria dies•  1903: 1st aeroplane flight by Wright Bros.•  1905: Ragged Lands established•  1909: Introduction of Old Age Pension•  1912: Sinking of the Titanic•  1914: Start of 1st World War•  1916: Battle of the Somme•  1918: End of 1st World War•  1919: 1st trans-atlantic flight•  1920: League of Nations founded•  1922: Irish Free State founded•  1924: Lenin dies•  1926: General Strike•  1928: Women get the vote•  1934: Hitler assumes power in Germany•  1936: Regular BBC TV broadcasts begin•  1939: Start of 2nd World War•  1940: Dunkirk evacuation•  1941: Japanese attack Pearl Harbour•  1944: "D-Day" landings in France•  1945: End of 2nd World War•  1946: USA tests atom bomb at Bikini Island•  1947: Sound Barrier broken•  1948: NHS founded•  1950: Korean War starts•  1951: Suez "Crisis"•  1953: Queen Elizabeth II crowned•  1954: Bannister runs 1st 4 minute mile•  1955: Glynde Place opened to the public•  1955: ITV starts broadcasting•  1957: 1st dog in space•  1958: Gatwick Airport opened•  1959: M1, the 1st motoway, opened•  1961: 1st man in space•  1963: US President Kennedy assassinated•  1965: Post Office Tower opened•  1966: England win World Cup•  1967: 1st heart transplant•  1968: Martin Luther King assassinated•  1969: 1st men on the moon•  1970: North Sea Oil discovered•  1971: Decimal coins introduced•  1972: "Bloody Sunday", 13 killed in Derry•  1974: US President Nixon resigned•  1976: Harold Wilson resigned as PM•  1978: 1st "Test Tube" baby born•  1979: Margaret Thatcher elected, UK's 1st woman PM•  1981: Prince Charles married Lady Di•  1982: Falklands War•  1984: Miners' Strike starts•  1985: Live Aid concert•  1987: Hurricane lashes South Coast•  1987: "Black Monday" Stock Market crash
Somewhere, Anywhere, Nowhere: 1671-2025
(Ockendens, Old Cottage)
1671Glynde Estate?
1671Edward Roberts1677
1706Richard Roberts1717
1739Widow Roberts1743
1746Richard Roberts1789
1789Widow Roberts1790
1793William Beach1810
1811Elizabeth Beach1816
1819John Ellman1828
1829John Ellman II1830

This old timber-framed house stands on the north-west side of Glyndebourne Corner, opposite the junction with Moor Lane. Now two cottages, and formally three cottages named Somewhere, Anywhere, Nowhere, this may have been a farm house originally named Ockendens.

In 1671 Edward Roberts was paying William Morley’s Glynde estate £7 a year for a tenementRented dwelling
or land
, probably called Ockendens. Edward Roberts had married Damaris Beach on the 24 Jan 1656 and they had a son Richard, baptised 20 December 1671, who was shown as the tenant of this property on the estate map of 1717.

Richard and Mary Roberts had a son, also named Richard, baptized at Glynde in 1714, and the property probably continued as a small farm until the death of Richard Roberts the younger in 1789. The house and part of the farm was then rented to William Beach until 1811 when his widow, Elizabeth, took over the house. John Ellman became the tenant in 1819 and it may have been at this time that the house was divided into three cottages for his labourers.

Elsa Moore, the head student at Ragged Lands College for Lady Gardeners, lived in Anywhere when ill-health forced her to retire. The shepherd Arthur Duley also lived in these cottages. His life story was recorded in the Sussex County Magazine in July, August and September 1931, and was reprinted in The Story of a Southdown Shepherd, by Andrew Lusted, July 1988. An earlier, much briefer, article on Arthur Duley appeared in The Herald Magazine, published with the Eastbourne Herald, 11th December 1926.

Other pages for this property:   

Somewhere, Anywhere, Nowhere: Now


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