•  1876: Bell invents telephone•  1878: Electric light bulb invented•  1881: Pasteur invents innoculation•  1884: Speaker Brand retires•  1884: Fabian Society founded•  1885: Glynde & Beddingham Cricket Club founded•  1887: Queen Victoria's Jubilee•  1894: Manchester Ship Canal opened•  1899: Boer War starts•  1901: Queen Victoria dies•  1903: 1st aeroplane flight by Wright Bros.•  1905: Ragged Lands established•  1909: Introduction of Old Age Pension•  1912: Sinking of the Titanic•  1914: Start of 1st World War•  1916: Battle of the Somme•  1918: End of 1st World War•  1919: 1st trans-atlantic flight•  1920: League of Nations founded•  1922: Irish Free State founded•  1924: Lenin dies

Red Cloaks for Girls at Glynde School

Viscountess Louisa Wolseley, neƩ Erskine, married Colonel, later Field Marshall, Garnett Wolseley on 4 June 1867. In early 1898 the Wolseleys rented Glynde Place and then moved to Old Farm House, now Trevor House.

As her contribution to life in Glynde, Louisa Wolseley presented a number of red cloaks to girls at Glynde School, to keep them warm in winter.

Excerpts from the Glynde School Log books:

5 March 1900: Lady Wolseley kindly gave twelve cloaks for some girls.

19 October 1900: Lady Wolseley again gave twelve girls a cloak each. They went to the Farm House to thank her after school in the morning.

23 October 1902: Received twelve cloaks from Lady Wolseley for the school children.

20 October 1904: Lady Wolseley presented twelve girls with red cloaks again this year.

One of these cloaks was given to Nellie Simmons and still survives.

Nellie's red cloak

Nellie's red cloak, lovingly preserved, still in existence (c2015).

Nellie's red cloak

Another view of Nellie's red cloak (c2015).

Nellie Simmons

Nellie Simmons (1896-1983), aged 23.

Linda Constable, as Little Red Riding Hood, in her great-granmother's red cloak

Linda Constable aged 7, dressed as Little Red Riding Hood, in her granmother's (Nellie Simmons) red cloak. (c1957)

School Children Glynde

Glynde schoolchildren outside Glynde School, c1905. A number of the girls are wearing their cloaks. One of them may be Nellie who would have been 9 years old.

The Dowager Viscountess Wolsley

The Dowager Viscountess Wolsley

We're very grateful to Linda Constable for getting in touch about her Grandmother's cloak and allowing us to use her photos.

Listed under the Topic: Education

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