•  1912: Sinking of the Titanic•  1914: Start of 1st World War•  1916: Battle of the Somme•  1918: End of 1st World War•  1919: 1st trans-atlantic flight•  1920: League of Nations founded•  1922: Irish Free State founded•  1924: Lenin dies•  1926: General Strike•  1928: Women get the vote•  1934: Hitler assumes power in Germany•  1936: Regular BBC TV broadcasts begin•  1939: Start of 2nd World War•  1940: Dunkirk evacuation•  1941: Japanese attack Pearl Harbour•  1944: "D-Day" landings in France•  1945: End of 2nd World War•  1946: USA tests atom bomb at Bikini Island•  1947: Sound Barrier broken•  1948: NHS founded•  1950: Korean War starts•  1951: Suez "Crisis"•  1953: Queen Elizabeth II crowned•  1954: Bannister runs 1st 4 minute mile•  1955: ITV starts broadcasting•  1955: Glynde Place opened to the public•  1957: 1st dog in space•  1958: Gatwick Airport opened•  1959: M1, the 1st motoway, opened•  1961: 1st man in space
From the Sussex Express, 1st January 1937



On a dull December afternoon the casket containing the ashes of Viscountess Wolseley was placed in a tiny grave in the little churchyard at Beddingham on Tuesday. Only a few friends were present, there being no immediate family relatives. Sir Ederic Wolseley, Bart, a distant relation, was unable to attend.

Viscountess Wolseley was 64 years of age, and died at her residence, Culpepers, Ardingly, on Thursday of last week. As Frances Garnet Wolseley she was the only daughter of the first Viscount Wolseley, and upon his death in 1913 she succeeded to the title by special remainder. Her father was better known as Sir Garnet Wolseley, a distinguished soldier, who took part in many campaigns, including the Ashanti War and Nile Expedition for the relief of General Gordon. He was Commander-in-Chief of the British Army from 1895 to 1900.

Viscountess Wolseley's lifelong interest was horticulture. At Ragged Lands, Glynde, she established the Glynde College for Lady Gardeners. Shortly afterwards* her father and mother came to live at the Old Farm House, Glynde, but later returned to London to live at Hampton Court. Viscountess Wolseley was a Freeman of the City of London but her major interests were in Sussex and in horticulture. In 1917 she was appointed organising secretary for the Board of Education in East Sussex.
[* the chronology here is wrong. The Wolseleys and their daughter moved to Old Farm House as a family, and it was in the walled garden of Old Farm House that Frances began teaching her female gardening students before setting up the college at Ragged Lands. Ed]

Viscountess Wolseley was the author of a number of books, mainly concerned with horticulture for women, and Sussex of the past. She had written many articles on the 'Historic Houses of Sussex'. She was a member of the Sussex Archaeological Society and the Sussex Record Society. Viscountess Wolseley was the founder and donor of the Wolseley Rooms in Hove Public Library and Museum, which she gave in memory of her father. The rooms are a reference reading room and museum dedicated to agriculture and horticulture.

Prior to going to Ardingly in 1926 Lady Wolseley resided at Massetts, Scaynes Hill.

The cremation took place at Brighton on Tuesday, and the service and interment followed at Beddingham Church. The service was conducted by the Rev F H Campion (rector of Tillington near Petworth), the Rev J L Brack (rector of Ardingly) and the Rev A G Gregor (vicar of Firle and Beddingham). Mr R Eastwood was at the organ, and the choir took part in the service.

Those present included Mrs F H Campion, Miss Campion, Mrs A Trevor Lawrence, Mrs Musgrave, Miss Helena Hall, Miss Pegram, Mr A E Clarke, Mr and Mrs Kenneth Wright, Mrs Webster Wedderburn, the Countess of Chichester, Miss McLeod, Miss Evelyn Locke, Sir Arthur Smith Woodward (vice-president of the Sussex Archaeological Society), Miss Dorothy Ivatt, Mr and Mrs Odell (Stonegate), Colonel D McLeod, Miss Cooper (representing the Sussex Archaeological Society), Mr and Mrs Arthur Beckett, Miss Marjorie B Hubert (Hove), Miss M S Holgate, Mrs Sheppy, Mrs J L Brack, Miss Tompsett, Colonel Ponsonby, MP, the Rev J R Lawson (vicar of Glynde), Mr H G Massey (librarian and curator of Hove Public Library and Museum), and the following members of the staff of Culpepers. Nurse Elliott, Mrs F Lewis, Miss Darling, Miss Heard and Mr F Brown.

Flowers were sent by:- Lady Gatty; Mrs Reginald Parker; the Society of Sussex Downsmen; from Danny; Lady Margaret Loder; Mr and Mrs Russell Skinner and Walton Wolseley Skinner; Mr and Mrs Arthur Beckett; Marjory Pegram; L A Evelyn Locke; Miss Dorothy Ivatt; chairman and members of the Hove Public Library and Museum Committee; Mrs R E McLeod; Mrs and Miss F Lewis; Muriel Talbot; Lieut-Commander and Mrs J P W Furse; the staff; Miss Hall; the librarian and staff of the Hove Public Library; Mrs Alfred W Bosanquet and Miss Bosanquet; Miss L Hallmark; Miss McLeod; Lieut-Colonel and Mrs Donald McLeod; Chrystobelle; Kenneth and Mary Wright; Margaret and Ken; Mr and Mrs Edward Blount and Mdlle de Bassons; Mr and Mrs Odell; H Webster Wedderburn and Isabel Haddon; P; Miss Dudley Smith; Mo.

Listed under the Topic: Education

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