• 1847: British Museum founded | • 1848: Marx & Engels write Communist Manifesto | • 1851: Great Exhibition opens in Hyde Park | • 1854: Start of Crimean War | • 1859: Darwin's Origin of Species published | • 1861: American Civil War begins | • 1865: Salvation Army founded | • 1869: Suez Canal opened | • 1871: Trades Unions legalised | • 1872: Secret ballots introduced for elections | • 1873: Dr Livingstone dies | • 1876: Bell invents telephone | • 1878: Electric light bulb invented | • 1881: Pasteur invents innoculation | • 1884: Fabian Society founded | • 1884: Speaker Brand retires | • 1885: Glynde & Beddingham Cricket Club founded | • 1887: Queen Victoria's Jubilee |
On Tuesday, at the Lewes Petty Sessions, Mr W Medhurst of this parish, baker, was summoned, upon the information of Police constable Holden, for not furnishing scales and weights to a van which his servant, Samuel Lockyer, was delivering bread at Chalvington on the 18th September. Defendant admitted that there were no scales attached to the van, but said the man had forgotten them that day. He was not aware of the fact. Police constable Holden said he saw Lockyer delivering bread, and asked him if he had a pair of scales and proper weights to weigh the bread. He said he had not, upon which witness asked him if he had seen the caution issued by Col Mackay. Lockyer replied in the affirmative and said he knew he ought to weigh the bread. Witness then told him he would report the case - Fined 1 shilling and costs.
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