•  1841: Glynde School built•  1842: Irish "Potato Famine" starts•  1847: British Museum founded•  1848: Marx & Engels write Communist Manifesto•  1851: Great Exhibition opens in Hyde Park•  1854: Start of Crimean War•  1859: Darwin's Origin of Species published•  1861: American Civil War begins•  1865: Salvation Army founded•  1869: Suez Canal opened•  1871: Trades Unions legalised•  1872: Secret ballots introduced for elections•  1873: Dr Livingstone dies•  1876: Bell invents telephone•  1878: Electric light bulb invented•  1881: Pasteur invents innoculation•  1884: Fabian Society founded•  1884: Speaker Brand retires•  1885: Glynde & Beddingham Cricket Club founded•  1887: Queen Victoria's Jubilee
From the Sussex Advertiser, 5th June 1866


THE ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF THE FRIENDLY SOCIETY was held here on 31st May. The members of the club, headed by the Railway Band, marched in procession to Glynde Church, where the Rev W de St Croix officiated, and an appropriate sermon was preached by the Rev H Smith, Vicar of Firle and Beddingham. At two o'clock the members of the club dined in a booth near the Trevor Arms, where a very substantial dinner was set before them by Mr Underwood, whose catering always does him credit. The Rev W de St Croix as usual presided, and was supported by a number of honorary members and friends, the Rev H Smith, Rev T Wollaston, W L Christie, esq, H Hart, T Colgate, W Harvey, G Hother, Medhurt, Briscoe, Wymark, etc. The club numbers now about 100 members; and though a large amount had been paid out for sick relief, there was a share of 5s 6d per member allotted, a good sum remaining in hand for current expenses, and also a handsome reserve fund in the Lewes Savings Bank.

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