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From the Sussex Express, 25th September 1877


At the County Hall, on Saturday, before George Molineux Esq, George Sherlock, aged 12 years, of Beddingham, was charged with stealing two walking sticks, belonging to Mr Joseph Elphick of Tilton Farm, at South Malling, on Sept 21st, and there was a further charge against him of threatening and attempting to cut George Jospeh Elphick with a knife.

Mr Joseph Elphick, farmer, was in a village cart with his son driving from Lewes to Selmeston on Friday. As they were proceeding up Southerham Hill they overtook the prisoner, and a shepherd. Mr Elphick pulled up his pony to a walk, and had some conversation with the shepherd. Prisoner was seen to lean on the back of the cart. On reaching the top of the hill Mr Elphick drove on, and afterwards missed from the back part of the cart two walking sticks. His son, George Jospeh Elphick, stopped so that the prisoner might overtake him and, on doing so, found he had one of the walking sticks in his hand. He asked him for it, and as the prisoner refused to give it up, endeavoured to take it away from him. Upon this the prisoner used bad language, took out his knife, and attempted to cut George Elphick's wrist. Mr Elphick, seeing this, drove back, the boy was put in the cart, and driven into Lewes. Mr Molineux remanded him till Tuesday.

[Editor's note: although the settlement at Southerham is now in the parish of Glynde in 1877 it was still in the ancient parish of South Malling.]

Listed under the Topic: Crime

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