•  1865: Salvation Army founded•  1869: Suez Canal opened•  1871: Trades Unions legalised•  1872: Secret ballots introduced for elections•  1873: Dr Livingstone dies•  1876: Bell invents telephone•  1878: Electric light bulb invented•  1881: Pasteur invents innoculation•  1884: Speaker Brand retires•  1884: Fabian Society founded•  1885: Glynde & Beddingham Cricket Club founded•  1887: Queen Victoria's Jubilee•  1894: Manchester Ship Canal opened•  1899: Boer War starts•  1901: Queen Victoria dies•  1903: 1st aeroplane flight by Wright Bros.•  1905: Ragged Lands established•  1909: Introduction of Old Age Pension•  1912: Sinking of the Titanic•  1914: Start of 1st World War
From the Sussex Express, 25th October 1890


The annual report of the directors states that the revenue account shows a credit balance of £4550 5s 9d, to which his added £1711 13s 5d, being the balance brought from the last account, making together £6261 19s 2d. An interim dividend of 4 per cent was paid in May last, amounting to £1131 7s 5d, leaving a balance of £5130 11s 1d.

The tramway which has superseded the Telpher line at Glynde is found satisfactory, the clay being forwarded with regularity, and an appreciable economy being effected in the working charges. A new store, with a capacity of 4000 tons, has been erected at [South] Heighton, which adds considerably to the efficiency of the works.

Arrangements have been made for the erection of a number of cottages near the works. These will be leased to the company for their workmen, who will be greatly benefited by the accommodation thus provided.

Listed under the Topic: Industry

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