•  1912: Sinking of the Titanic•  1914: Start of 1st World War•  1916: Battle of the Somme•  1918: End of 1st World War•  1919: 1st trans-atlantic flight•  1920: League of Nations founded•  1922: Irish Free State founded•  1924: Lenin dies•  1926: General Strike•  1928: Women get the vote•  1934: Hitler assumes power in Germany•  1936: Regular BBC TV broadcasts begin•  1939: Start of 2nd World War•  1940: Dunkirk evacuation•  1941: Japanese attack Pearl Harbour•  1944: "D-Day" landings in France•  1945: End of 2nd World War•  1946: USA tests atom bomb at Bikini Island•  1947: Sound Barrier broken•  1948: NHS founded•  1950: Korean War starts•  1951: Suez "Crisis"•  1953: Queen Elizabeth II crowned•  1954: Bannister runs 1st 4 minute mile•  1955: ITV starts broadcasting•  1955: Glynde Place opened to the public•  1957: 1st dog in space•  1958: Gatwick Airport opened•  1959: M1, the 1st motoway, opened•  1961: 1st man in space

Glynde v Boys' Brigade - 1937

A photograph, from the Evening Argus archive, of a cricket match at Glynde, dated 4 August 1937. However, this photo appears not to have been published in the Argus. To judge from the headgear of the umpire on the right of the picture and the handful of players not attired in whites this was an evening match between the village team and the officers of the Brighton Boys' Brigade during the annual Boys' Brigade camp in Glynde Park.

Glynde vs Boys' Brigade - 1937

The Glynde players are all standing in the back-row. From the left next to the umpire stands Reg Soames then two Boys' Brigade players in caps. Next to them, at the back, is Maurice Turner, then Cecil Lusted, Harry Newham, Alf 'Prinny' Beech, Unknown, 'Young' George Holding, Fred 'Bunny' Gravett and Reg Soames. The rest are, as yet, unknown.

Listed under the Topic: Play

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