•  1859: Darwin's Origin of Species published•  1861: American Civil War begins•  1865: Salvation Army founded•  1869: Suez Canal opened•  1871: Trades Unions legalised•  1872: Secret ballots introduced for elections•  1873: Dr Livingstone dies•  1876: Bell invents telephone•  1878: Electric light bulb invented•  1881: Pasteur invents innoculation•  1884: Fabian Society founded•  1884: Speaker Brand retires•  1885: Glynde & Beddingham Cricket Club founded•  1887: Queen Victoria's Jubilee•  1894: Manchester Ship Canal opened•  1899: Boer War starts•  1901: Queen Victoria dies•  1903: 1st aeroplane flight by Wright Bros.•  1905: Ragged Lands established

1881 census West Firle Union Workhouse

NameStatusAgeOccupationParish of birthInfirmity
Charles BriscoeGovernor61ChemistMiddlesex, London
Charlotte BriscoeMatron54MatronDerby, Ilkeston
Augusta MarchantAssistant matron52Assistant matronHurstpierpoint
Ann HowellServant17General servantHamsey
Joseph Grantpauper52Formerly lime burnerHailsham
Fanny Grantpauper13
Alice Grantpauper11
Lucy Parkerpauper40General ServantRingmer
Caroline Parkerpauper13
Hubert H Parkerpauper11
Arthur E Parkerpauper9
Louisa Evendenpauper20
Samuel Burfordpauper21Bricklayer’s labourerBerwick
Annie M Reedpauper22Inmate of Union HouseWest Firle
Sarah A Frostpauper15Inmate of Union HouseHailsham
Richard Dulypauper68[unreadable]AlcistonBlind
George Brownpauper20
Henry Kennardpauper93CarterWest Firle
Harriett Hughespauper45Housemaid, domestic servantWest Firle
Samuel Hughespauper17PauperWest Firle
Joseph Burgesspauper64Agricultural labourer, carterWest Firle
William Rusbridgepauper81Agricultural labourer, stockmanWest Firle
Maria Stevenspauper86Domestic servant, housekeeperWest Firle
Henry Shelleypauper76Agricultural labourer, shepherdWest Firle
Mary Ann Harmerpauper23Domestic servant, housemaidRipe
Amy E Parkerpauper5
West Firle
Flora Geerpauper2
Middlesex, London
John Hallpauper32PainterMiddlesex, Westminster
James Taylorpauper70Agricultural labourer, roadmanWest Firle
Henry Stevenspauper57ShoemakerWest FirleBlind
Thomas Bentleypauper35Bricklayer’s labourerKent, Chatham
George Cattpauper39PorterLiverpool
Thomas Russellpauper50GardenerKent, Dover
Benjamin Bannbridgepauper37BakerNorfolk, Norwich
John Thompsonpauper40
France, Paris
Jane Thompsonpauper26
France, Paris
Rosa Thompsonpauper4
France, Paris
Harry Thompsonpauper2
France, Paris
A Thompsonpauper4m
France, Paris
Thomas Clackerpauper19JockeyCambs, Newmarket
William ShepherdPauper16Agricultural labourer, ploughmanRipe
William DavisPauper36GardenerSurrey, Croydon
James Harris

Listed under the Topic: Statistics

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